Our Company …

The Oh Norman™ Series is very successful, because our training process can change any local or global company from a learning company to a teaching company!
Global Partners & Associates LLC. develops Corporate Sales and Sales Management training modules which distributors offer to our global customers. We specialize in transforming domestic, multinational, multicultural organizations from training / learning companies to teaching companies.
We initiate the skill ownership at the executive level. After a commitment from the executive levels, we focus on the Train the Trainer approach, handing over the ownership of training and learning to the managers. We provide the materials while the sales managers provide their experience and enthusiasm to teach their staff. Our materials are pragmatic, user-friendly and easy to teach. Extensive video support helps the managers in their role as “trainers”.
In the realm of a globalizing economy and empowered customers, where people and their skills become the key differentiator, Global Partners & Associates LLC. offers an effective solution to surpass organizational, cultural and lingual barriers
We link corporate culture, business objectives and processes with a competent workforce in order to ensure commercial success for our customers.

We produce all visuals professionally at the ORF Television studios in Austria